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Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association is a trade association of industry experts representing the top global brands in commercial fire protection.

fire equipment price in bd. we provide many kinds of fire equipment in Bangladesh. you can buy any fire-related product from us and we also give services & installation.

what is Fire Extinguisher?

fire fighting equipment in Bangladesh

List of firefighting equipment

Do you know how numerous people die from woeful fire accidents every year? Deaths!

. However, you’ll surely think of installing a firefighting system to protect your workers and the property structure, right?! – A dependable fire suppression and alarm system is the first step to avoid any potential injuries or drastic property damages if you’re a business proprietor. At Team Work Holding, we will help you choose the right firefighting system, suitable for your business or home.

We’ve numerous kinds of firefighting equipment like conventional, discovery, fire cover, gsm alarm system.


1) Water fire system equipment and products

Water is the cheapest, most important, and utmost effective medium for firefighting, as well as being environment-friendly. Any assiduity that deals with ignitable liquids and chemicals must concentrate on water fire systems due to their necessary significance. The operation of any water-grounded fire system and its optimal performance depends fully on the presence of an acceptable water supply. At Team Work Holding, our experts dissect your structure, design, and install the most suitable water fire system, having a precise eye for details.


1.1) Sprinklers:

Fire Sprinkler System is an effective part of any fire protection system, serving as the first line of defense against unforeseen fires. A fire sprinkler system provides enough water to suppress the dears before going out of control. They offer safe protection, giving redundant time for a safe evacuation of the structure. These wet pipe systems have proven their worth in controlling hazards without expansive damages. Our sprinklers come in different designs, depending on the pressure, time of response, drop size, and more.

So, how do sprinkler systems work? – When a blaze ignites, the air starts to toast snappily, rising towards the ceiling, and hence, activating the sprinkler system. The system consists of a glass bulb, filled with a glycerin liquid, which expands on reaching high temperatures. When the liquid expands, it shatters the glass and turns on the sprinkler, which is connected to a water source. The pipe system includes pressurized water, which springs out when heat occurs, submerging the dears and avoiding there-ignition.


Types of Sprinklers:

  • Wet Sprinkler System
  • Dry Sprinkler System
  • Pre-action Sprinkler System
  • Deluge Sprinkler System


Fire Sprinkler Systems are used in

  1. Commercial services
  2. Cafés and eating areas
  3. Storages
  4. Commercial kitchens.
  5. Industrial associations
  6. Multi or single-family places


1.2) Fire pillar hydrant

A fire pillar hydrant is an essential part of any fire protection system, offering a connection point that accesses a water source in time of need. It’s a column-shaped structure that provides pressurized water to prop firefighters during the whole process of fire extinguishing. Fire pillar hydrants must be available and inversely spaced in public areas, drawing the necessary volume of water. Although they may not operate for a long time, they must be tested continuously to guarantee their effectiveness if a fire breaks out suddenly. However, firefighters use a wrench to remove the stopcock cover, and also, If demanded.

1.3) Fire sock closets

The Fire roll sock Cabinet is a sword box placed in public areas and structures, used to store the required fire equipment. It’s designed to cover the fire sock rack assembly, fire extinguisher, and fire sock roll against theft and rubbish. With a high-quality sword, easy installation, and small occupation, the fire sock press is a must-have in any structure or pot.


Fire Extinguisher Price in Bangladesh

1.4) Water fire extinguisher

Water-Fire Extinguisher is a cost-effective and most important way to attack Class A fire, caused by solid accouterments similar to paper, wood, and more. A water extinguisher operates by scattering a spurt of water at the firebase, cooling the dears, and avoiding there-ignition.


Types of Fire Extinguishers

  • Water fire extinguishers
  • Foam fire extinguishers
  • Dry Powder fire extinguishers
  • Wet Chemical fire extinguishers
  • Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers


 Water-Fire extinguisher types

  • Water sport
  • Water spray
  • Water extinguishers with complements
  • Water mist or fog


2) Fire Alarm Systems:

Whether you have a small, medium-sized, or large business, your plant needs an effective alarm system that complies with the fire and safety canons. Fire Alarms give an early warning before the dears go out of control, protecting lives and property. However, many further seconds can be enough to save lives, if you suppose fire alarms aren’t important suppose again! In case of an unforeseen fire. Multi-story buildings must have an alarm system fitted on every bottom to detect smoke and break into sirens in case of emergency. Yes, an alarm complex can’t suppress a fire but can alert the liable to react consequently. At Team Work Holding, we give affordable, high-quality fire alarm systems to cover your business or hearthstone place.


 Reasons to install an alarm system

  • Saving lives the number one reason to seat an alarm system in your building is to save thousands of lives. When a fire breaks out, the smoke triggers the alarm system, transferring bells to warn the structure inhabitants.
  • Reducing property losses Of course, the sooner you discover a breaking fire, the lower damage will do to the structure. When a fire starts, the response will be suitable to communicate the fire department incontinently, minimizing the possible losses.
  • Syncopating the recovery time the early fire discovery minimizes the property damages, which shortens the recovery time. So, you can open your business in an important shorter time.


2.1) Beam Detector:

A Beam Detector is a device that manages by detecting smoke using a projected light beam. The optic beam sensor doesn’t work until the bank reaches the device mounted to the ceiling. The detector is affixed to an alarm system. Once the device senses an interference in the light beams, the alarm goes off. The beam detector is installed in places with high ceilings similar to movie theaters, basketball courts, and more

There are 2 types of beam detectors

  • The end-to-End beam Detector consists of a receiver and transmitter, with a length from 5 to 100 measures between both biases. The conception operates when the receiver sends a light beam to the receiver, which detects the strength of this ray.
  • Reflective/Single-End Detector consists of a receiver and transmitter, installed in one unit, opposing a glass at the other end of the room. The conception is when the reflector reflects the beams to the transmitter.

Still, nothing will be, if a solid object interrupts the light ray for just many seconds. But, if the time transcends 6 to 8 seconds, a false alarm will break out. A beam detector can tell the difference between a solid material and smoke depending on the blocked IR light shaft chance.

2.2) Manual Call Point

Manual Call Point, also known as “MCP,” is a plastic forecourt box that exists in every structure. It’s an activation device that can trigger a fire alarm system manually, transferring sirens as an alert of fire presence. The MCP must be easily visible in the structure at an accessible-height position. There must be a homemade call point every 30 measures to reach fluently in the time of an emergency. Once it’s actuated, the sirens break out, giving people the chance to leave the structure until the firefighters arrive.


2.3) Alarm Control Panel

A Fire Alarm control panel operates by detecting smoke when a difference in electric current occurs. The Panel consists of different zones of the structure, with flashing LEDs that indicate the presence of fire. The alarm control panel is connected to colorful detectors that identify any change in electric current, triggering the fire alarm. It controls by lighting up the zone attacked by fire. One debit to the Alarm Control Panel; indicates the zone using illuminated icons, but can’t determine the precise position.

2.4) Alarm Bell

The Alarm Bell is an important part of any fire protection system to alert the inhabitants of fire presence, giving time for a safe evacuation. A fire alarm is generally connected to fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems to operate effectively during an exigency. It operates by pressing a simple switch that causes audible stimulants, notifying the presence of fire danger.

2.5) Conventional Heat Detector

A conventional Heat Sensor is an important fire protection device that operates snappily when seeing a rapid-fire temperature increase. In case of an emergency, the heat detector forwards a signal to the Control Panel, allowing a safe evacuation until the fire department operates. It detects currents of heated air, burning products, and radiation effect.


There are two common kinds of heat detectors

  • The Fixed temperature heat detector operates when seeing a temperature rise to a position exceeding a destined one. However, it won’t spark the alarm bell, if there’s a slight increase in the ambient temperature. Principally, it operates around high temperatures up to 135 degrees.
  • The rate-of-rise detector operates when seeing the rate of change in the temperature. However, the detectors operate incontinently, if the temperature rises suddenly to 15 degrees in lower than a minute. However, the rate-of-rise detector operates, if the heat surpasses 70 degrees. 2.6) Horn and Strobe


The Horn and Strobe device is a sound & light device that indicates fire presence through both enchantresses and beaming lights. This device is designed to be a part of dependable exigency evacuation and fire waking systems in hotels, hospitals, and public installations. The Horn sends a high-pitched sound for a quick evacuation while the Strobe flashes lights for those with hail impairment. The beaming lights can also act as guidance for the residents through the smoke during a safe evacuation. The Strobe must be installed in the hallways, restrooms, and corridors, making sure to be easily visible.

2.7) Conventional Smoke Detector

Smoke Detector is the fastest and most dependable way to descry fires, seeing the smoke and operating incontinently. It detects smoke presence within the first twinkles, which helps in controlling fire before it drastically spreads. Another advantage; it detects low-energy fires that emit a small quantum of heat more than any other fire detector.

 There are two usual kinds of smoke detectors

  • The optic smoke detector operates using a LED light ray that occurs inside a small chamber in the detector. Once the beam inflow is intruded, it senses smoke, and the alarm is started.
  • Ionization smoke detector depends on the attendance of an ionized chamber, with a hole that allows smoke entrance. When the bank enters, the alarm is started incontinently. Indeed with a little quantum of smoke, the alarm will go off. That’s why; bank sensors aren’t ideal in fine places similar to garrets and basements.

But what’s the differentiation between Heat and smoke detectors in alarm systems?

 3) Gas firefighting products System

The gas protection system operates effectively in places, where normal extinguishing agents similar to water and froth can be dangerous. This system is generally used in places with electric outfits similar to computer centers, electric switch apartments, and machine testing laboratories. The principle of this fire system is that feasts absorb heat and weaken the fire by reducing the oxygen attention, smoldering the dears.

3.1) Kitchen cowl protection equipment from gas Fire

A Kitchen cowl operates by releasing wet chemical agents in the presence of cooking fires. These agents reply effectively with the greases, performing in an inoffensive froth sub caste that suppresses the fire and avoids ignition. A kitchen hood is a perfect fit in guarding hoods, appliances, and the surrounding area from fire ravages.

3.2) NOVEC gas system

NOVEC gas system operates by removing heat snappily to suppress fires through a fluid pressurized with nitrogen. It’s a clean extinguishing agent that puts out the fire safely without any electronic damage. It’s also safe for people, making it ideal in unrestricted engaged areas. Unlike any other repression agent, the NOVEC system operates by removing heat, not oxygen to attack fires. These cleansing agents have proven their worth in combating Class A, B, and C fires.

3.3) FM-200 gas system

Like the NOVEC gas system, FM-200 is a clean negotiator that attacks Class A, B, and C fires effectively. The gassy fire agent is tintless, odorless, terrain-friendly, and completely safe, making it perfect in unrestricted areas with no pitfalls. It operates by removing heat from the ruining fires to control the flames. The only difference between NOVEC and FM-200 gas systems is that NOVEC is stored in liquid form while FM-200 is stored in a gassy state.

3.4) INERGIN gas system

Integrin gas systems are environmentally and user-friendly fire extinguishing systems. The system is designed to snappily descry smokes and put out any hanging fire. With its unique features, the INERGEN gas system doesn’t beget any detriment to the reside or outfit of the property. Composed of colorful permeable gases, including nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide, the system doesn’t beget any breathing difficulties to people. The system has been medically accredited to be among the stylish systems in the world. It helps keep oxygen situations stable during fires, making internal performance rates stay within the normal. The gas system ensures resides a safe escape from dangerous fires.

3.5) C02 gas system

C02 fire repression systems are the most suitable for areas with ignitable storage or generator apartments and power stations. The system requires to be installed in areas with no or smaller resides as it emits CO2 gas to suppress any fire. Being a tint-less and odorless gas, the system is salutary for keeping the effectiveness of gadgets and equipment stored in any given room. CO2 gas won’t leave any residue to the extent where the fire occurs for an easy clean-up after the fire has been put out. The system is effective as it lowers the rates of Oxygen, a fire stimulating gas, in the air. It also has some helping negotiators to reduce the heat of the room to help put out the fire. That way, the system eliminates the threat of spreading the fire and extinguishes it.

3.6) Aerosol system

Aerosol fire repression systems put out hanging fires by releasing micro agents and feasts that help reduce fires. The system accommodates micro-particles in a vapor state until released from the device. Through some chemical chain responses, the condensed vapor is released in a state of solid patches. Aerosol systems reduce the inflaming heat and oxygen in the air which helps exclude dangerous fires. The fire repression system is effective in putting out class A, B, and C fires. An important note however that is the fire shouldn’t be installed in any domestic or inhabited areas. Aerosol systems pose trouble to living beings as they could beget visual impairments or breathing difficulties.

4) The Water mist fire system

Water Mist system is one of the types of fire repression systems that operates by discharging fine water mists to combat fires. The lower the water drop, the more effective it’ll be in fire repression. It’s a safe volition to carbon dioxide systems, which are dangerous to health. Water mist systems have low, medium, and high pressure, each is effective in different fire operations, with minimal water damage. The small driblets cool the dears, displacing oxygen by evaporation and cheapening heat to avoider-ignition.

 5) Froth system for Fire fighting

The froth firefighting system operates by separating the energy from oxygen, forming a froth blanket of small air bubbles. The froth consists of three constituents mixed in a certain proportion, which are water, froth, and air. This foam blanket avoids ignitable vapors release, avoiding any further chemical responses, smothering the dears. At the same time, it works on separating the dears from the product surface, avoiding ignition after a while.

List of firefighting equipment for home

  • Kitchen hood protection
  • Smoke detector
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire mask
  • Fire escape ladder
  • Fire sprinkler
  • Fire hose

List of firefighting outfits for business structures

  • This list of firefighting outfits may vary agreeing on the structure’s age, size, and industry. Any business structure must contain all or some of the following
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Automatic sprinkler systems
  • Fire hose reels
  • Fireline systems
  • Heat & smoke detectors
  • Fire Alarm
  • Fire alarm control panel
  • Emergency & Exit signs

 What Next?

Whether you want to buy a new fire protection system or fix a being one, our experts have got your reverse. We check and do our research on producing your fire deliverance equipment list before choosing the right system for your business. Don’t hesitate, to contact us, and save your business now!

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